Finitec Finishing Products GmbH
Sperenberger Str. 12
D-12277 Berlin

Phone: +49 (30) 72 00 00-10
Fax: +49 (30) 72 00 00-11

Authorized managing director:
Thomas Nickert

Registration office: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Company registration number: HRB 136418B

Tax ID number (USt-IdNr.) according to § 27 a of the law on turnover tax (UStG): DE815310903
Tax number: 29/286/31850

Responsible for contents according to § 10 paragraph 3 of governmental contract about media service (MDStV): Thomas Nickert

Notice of liability:
Despite careful control Finitec Films commercial company ltd. Does not accept any liability fort he contents of third party pages which can be reached via links or hyperlinks on the website If you think that some content on our website is in breach of copyrights or other proprietary rights of if you have any legal questions about our internet presence, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail.